Sunday, June 25, 2017

We went to Island Pond to "The Hitmen" concert on Friday night. We knew we would probably have showers, and we went prepared.  We watched most of the concert from under our umbrellas, but it was great fun, and the crowd didn't mind the rain or the mud it created on the "dance floor."  What is is with kids and mud puddles?  There were lots of youngsters there, and they all wanted to play in the puddles.  Most of the adults avoided the actual mud puddles, but the rain soon made everything pretty muddy, but they kicked off their shoes and danced anyway.  After a while the folks who were dancing didn't wait for the showers to let up - they just kept on groovin' to the music.

We took some pictures, of course.  There were several food tents on the grounds, and people were enjoying themselves, even though the showers persisted. The concert had to end at 10 o'clock - I'm sure the neighbors who had to get up early in the morning appreciated that.  I think there is a motel very near the site - actually they play at the boat launch area, right in town.

Click on the images to make them larger.

Today's Sunfish Race was dedicated to Eileen Morrison, who died on June 6th.  I'm sure lots of sailors and people watching the race were thinking of Eileen, remembering when she was a big part of our first Sunfish Races.  I'm sure she would be happy there is again enthusiasm for sailing.

We didn't go to the race today, but Jamie sent me pictures, and also Susan Bouchard sent a couple.  There seemed to be good wind.   We had some heavy rain soon after the race - I hope everyone was off the water by then.  Here are some of the pictures Jamie took.
And these are from Susan . . .

Thanks to both for sharing the photos!

And here are the results of the races today:
Hi Jane,
Sailboat results from today ~ 11 boats with 8 racing single and 3 racing double. 
Single division:
  1. Billy Hamilton
  2. Jack LaGue
  3. Jay Chatot
  4. Ray Rouleau
  5. Diane Rossi
  6. Fred Bertrand
  7. Butch Bouchard
  8. Dottie Noyes
Double division: 
  1. Lee Erdman / Mattie McCann
  2. Rob Stewart / John Hynes
  3. Joe & Suzanne Cassani
Luckily we only had 1 race since the rain would have dampened the 2nd race. 
Next race is scheduled at 1 pm on Sunday, 23 July 2017.   --Susan Bouchard


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