Saturday, April 01, 2017

We awoke to a ton of snow - again.  This has to be Mother Nature's cruel way of telling us all, "April Fool!"

I measured 7.3 inches of snow that had fallen overnight, and since 9 a.m. it has been snowing lightly but steadily, so we have another inch or more.  We're back at 2 ft. of snow at my back yard stake this morning, after being 16 inches yesterday.  The thermometer is showing 40 degrees, but still what's falling out of the sky is snow.  I just had a note from Tom Dente in Connecticut saying they are at 37 degrees and getting rain and sleet.  My explanation of that is - we're special!  

Tom also said the Connecticut River that runs through Middletown, where he and Camilla live, is five feet above normal.  This doesn't bode well for them if the weather warms up even a little up here.   I haven't heard of any flooding yet along the Connecticut this far north, but when all this snow begins to melt there will be.  He sent this link that shows snow amounts in New England.

Fred took some pictures of the Ice-Out Flag again this morning. Yesterday we could at least see the top of the wooden pallet, but now snow is better than half way up the flag pole. 

He said Route 2 had a lot of slush on it and it was nasty going - lots of splashing and probably pretty slippery.  West Shore Road (right)is better than it was yesterday - predictably, the snow has filled in the mudholes.
West Danville looks entirely different this morning - cars covered with snow and everything a mess to walk or drive in.  Of course, people are moving around as usual - this is better than getting snow and wind at zero degrees, like we were a week or so ago, and there are signs of spring here and there.  I'm seeing a few more crows than usual - the pussy willows came back out a few days ago, but I think they are mostly dormant now.  And of course there's the muddy roads, a sure sign spring is coming.

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Nose Pinching Weather!

Mercy, it's cold here right now! At high noon the sun was shining brightly and the temperature was showing a cool 10 degrees! Last night...