I'm showing you a couple of photos - the top one we took yesterday when the sun was so bright and it was beginning to look like spring; the bottom one was taken today on West Shore Road - but not where the mud is really getting bad. There are some pretty gnarly spots already, but we've seen it much worse, and expect we'll see it a whole lot worse in the weeks to come.
We stopped to see Diane Rossi for a few minutes today and while we were there, a snowmobile went back and forth on the pond and some ice fishermen with portable shelters by the fishing access. The ice isn't showing any sign of melting on top, but perhaps it's beginning to underneath. Hard to tell.
Tomorrow is the final day of the Joe's Pond Ice-Out Contest, so be sure you get your tickets in the mail or drop them off at one of our outlets to be sure they get included in the contest. You can get tickets at most outlets until close of business tomorrow (Saturday) or on line until 11:59 p.m. Saturday. After that we wait for Mother Nature. Thanks again to everyone who is in our contest this year. We'll keep you posted on ice conditions and let you know as soon as the block sinks and the clock stops. Stay tuned!
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