Thursday, December 03, 2015

We are white with snow here today.  Fred and I had to go to St. Johnsbury this morning and there was no snow there at all - not much in Danville, either, but plenty at Joe's Pond and on Cabot Plain!  I measured about 1/4 inch on the deck this morning, (see top picture) but since then we've had quite a bit more - perhaps a couple inches, and it's quite wet, so it's sticking to the branches (bottom picture).  It's still not very cold - about 30 degrees, and there has been a bit of wind off and on, as well.  The snow seems to be tapering off now, and of course it will be colder tonight, but only in the 20s, I think.  Then we will have a bit of a warm up again, according to the forecast.

Helen Morrison asked me to post this for her.  Looks like you can have a professional picture of your pet taken; have your pet's nails clipped; check out the bake sale; get in on the quilt raffle; and perhaps bring something for the Kingdom Animal Shelter to stuff that Subaru to the limit.  Kitty litter, food, or other products will make life easier for the volunteers who care for the animals at the shelter who work hard all year to raise money to keep the shelter operating.  Stop by and make a donation.  Christmas is the "purrrrrrfect" opportunity.

Here's the schedule of activities at the Cabot Public Library for December.  You'll find the library is a great spot to spend some quiet time or to pursue activities you might not expect to find at a library.  The Cabot library is not just for books anymore.  As you can see, there are lots of activities for both adults and children, and it's a great resource during the holidays when kids are home and looking for something to do.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...