Sunday, July 12, 2015

We've had reports the steak feed last night was super good.  I'm sorry we missed it - steak is a really big favorite of mine that I have nearly omitted from my diet over the years and I would have enjoyed it in spite of knowing my cholesterol count would probably climb, but we had another very important event that took precedent yesterday, granddaughter Tangeni's fourth birthday party. Of course, we took pictures - and here is a short slide show.

We have had a nice stretch of weather for a record-breaking three days in a row.  We went for a ride with Jamie and Marie on the pontoon boat this afternoon and there were lots of people taking advantage of the nice weather.  We hope it holds for a while to give farmers a chance to get in some hay.  It's been a little hard for them this year, dodging the rainy days.  We'd also like to have nice weather for the coming weekend - the yard sale is coming up at the Joe's Pond Association pavilion next Sunday, the 19th.  We haven't had one for a long time, so it's exciting that we're doing it.  There are still tables available, so gather up all those items you no longer need and give Dee McKown a call, 684-3900 to reserve table space.  If you have only a few things,  grab a neighbor and share a table.  It should be fun, so plan to check it out.  If you are a fan of yard sales and flea markets, be sure to mark your calendar.  You never can tell what treasures you may find.

This came from Helen Morrison today - 

As you may know, Kingdom Animal Shelter is having its third annual cat calendar contest.  The cats with the most votes by July 31 will either be on the cover (the winner) or each have a month (12 runner ups).  The rest will be on a collage at the back of the calendar.
I would so love it if you would vote for my Roman, every day...unless you just have to vote for another now and the following site.  VOTE.  His photo is attached so you can recognize it in the line-up.
Thank you.
Roman is a sweetie and deserves a spot on the calendar.  You need to cast a lot of votes because there aren't many days left.  No, Woody isn't in the contest this year, but we do appreciate all the folks at KAS do for homeless kitties, and this is fun way to raise money to support their work.  The calendars in the past have been really cute - any cat lover will appreciate the great pictures.  Good luck, Helen and Roman!

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Time for Change

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