What a pretty day today. We seem to get a little rain each night and that keeps everything fresh and green and gardens moistened. I've been busy answering e-mails today and researching questions from various, so now I'll post a few things here before heading outside to do a little mowing - I like to use my old walk-behind mower in the tight areas where Fred can't go with the riding mower. I enjoy mowing, and of course have my "system" for clipping around flowers and on the stone walkways.
We were in Newport yesterday and spent a little time on the new waterfront. It is lovely the way they have merged parking for the state office complex and shops into a park-like atmosphere. There are railroad tracks that run close to the water, but also a very nice path that leads through town. I don't know how far in either direction, but there were people out walking their dogs, jogging and biking. It runs sort of east and west along the lake - west of where we were is the marina and beyond that some condos. East is the causeway and Gardner Memorial Park. We took some pictures. Here's a short slide show.
Here's a reminder from Helen Morrison:
Hi Jane,
wonder if you would mention on the Joe's Pond blog that Kingdom Animal
Shelter would love to have any returnable cans and bottles that folks
are willing to donate. They can call me at 563-2488 and I will come get
them, or they can drop them off in front of my garage at 936 West Shore
Road. We and the animals would greatly appreciate it.
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