Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Don't forget Luminaries

We remind you that we are selling lumenaries again this year.  Still $1/candle and bag, to be placed about 10' apart along the shoreline for the fireworks on Friday night, July 3 (or Sunday night, if it rains on Friday!)  The usual people are selling them...Pam Hebert, 684-3655; Diane Sherwood, 684-3397; Patty Rubulcaba, 563-2785; Diane Rossi, 563-6088; and Sue Bouchard, 563-2716.  It brightens up the shoreline and looks very festive to have the glowing lights all the way around the pond.  Keep the ring unbroken and put some on your waterfront.  It's a great way to support the Joe's Pond Association, doesn't cost a lot, and is great fun for the whole family.

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Ice Update - Sort Of!

A reader asked about the condition of the ice on Joe's Pond. I do not have a first-hand report. My fisherman friend told me he hasn'...