Monday, June 29, 2015

Open House on July 4th

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Here's a reminder about the big fireworks display coming up this weekend - planned for July 3rd, but if it rains, we'll have them on July 5th.  

We know a lot of you enjoy hiking, biking or jogging on the rail-trail but the north end of the trail near Channel Drive is where the fireworks will be set up. Because there will be lots of activity in that area, we ask that you do not go beyond the crossing at North Shore Road, or if you are on the Walden end of the trail, please do not continue past Channel Drive.  This is for your safety as well as that of the workers who will be setting up and setting off the display.  We are fortunate that we were given permission to use the trail for the fireworks display again this year; there are stringent laws affecting where fireworks can be discharged and this is the only location on the pond that meets those requirements.  We very much appreciate the LVRT folks letting us use a small section to set up the display.

We want to let everyone know that the best viewing will be from hillsides overlooking the north end of the big pond - Davidson Drive or perhaps Howard Rd off of Route 15; also the fishing access off Route 2 at the south end of the pond should be good.  At the top of Sandy Beach Road off of West Shore Road there may be some viewing space, but most of West Shore Road is too grown up with trees now to find a good vantage point.  You will NOT see them from the public beach in West Danville or from the water in either of the smaller ponds; your best bet is to be on the water on the big pond.  Please do not go beyond the islands at the north end of the pond with your boat as that area is where there may be debris from the explosions and it could be dangerous. We also ask that you use caution as there will be a lot of traffic on the water - be courteous, and watch out for other boats.  There will be a lot of traffic on roads, as well, so please do not block roads around the pond - park well to the side so there is room for emergency vehicles if they should be needed.  Be safe and everyone will have a great time.

Don Sherwood, who oversees our Joe's Pond Fireworks each year tells me that  Sugar Ridge is having their display on Friday night, too, so you have a choice which you watch. The Joe's Pond Fireworks are possible because of all those Ice-Out Contest tickets sold last year.  We thank you for your support of the Ice-Out Contest and hope you enjoy celebrating the Fourth of July with us!

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