Wednesday, May 20, 2015

On Dancing Grands and Loons

This photo came to me last week, and it slipped out of sight and never got posted - I apologize.  It seems spring is the time for dancing - all of "Young America" are strutting their stuff for parents and especially doting grandparents to see. Here's what Steve Allen wrote:

Hi Jane and Fred,
    Joe Ponders are everywhere!  While attending our granddaughter’s dance recital in Concord N.H., we were surprised to see Fella and Nancy Buttura waving to us from across the packed auditorium!  The dancing grandgirls put on a fabulous show.  See you soon!  Bev and Steve

Thank you, Steve, for sending this second picture.  

It's chilly and wet here today.  I ran out with bare feet to check my CoCoRaHS gauge this morning (it has been moved to the back yard from our front deck for the summer) and that wet grass must have been close to freezing.  It was raining a little then - I had no idea it was going to be that cold.  A reminder that although spring is here, the weather can turn on us and still bring some low temperatures.  My thermometer is reading 42 degrees.  I should have checked before I went out.  Our Spring Meeting of Joe's Pond Association is on Saturday - it isn't unusual to have fairly nippy weather for that meeting, but members' enthusiasm at being present makes up for that.  It will be Saturday, May 23rd, at the pavilion, 10 o'clock. 

Something more to add - this just in from Evelyn Richer:

There is one egg on the loons nest as of yesterday afternoon, and may be another by the end of the day today (not sure, of course)... Ray was unable to put the signs up yet as the wind was too strong to do it 'casually' as he passes the loon on the nest... so we will wait for the waters to calm down, maybe tomorrow... but folks should know to be in "loon nesting mode" while using the channel this weekend...  Joe's Ponders are great in knowing what that means... (staying clear of nest, and not approaching the nesting area if possible)... As usual, thank you so much for posting this... have a great weekend!!  And someone certainly may announce it at the meeting for us.  Blessings, Evelyn.

It is good to know our loons are ready to raise another family here this summer.  We would appreciate information on the other loons in the middle pond and first ponds, too.  Please remind visitors this summer to stay away from the loons when on the water.  Sometimes people unfamiliar with our Vermont laws are not aware they need to not harass them in any way - that means, no skiing or boating close to them or even with your kayak or canoe to get a good picture.  We (and the loons) thank everyone for remembering to give them plenty of space.

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