Monday, October 20, 2014

Our weather today has improved over yesterday, but still it's chilly and pretty drab.  Yesterday there were snow showers off and on all day long.  It would have been depressing except we had no place we needed to go and no deadlines of any sort to meet, so we were able to veg out quietly.  That was a really good thing for me.  I needed to slow down after the Apple Pie Festival on Saturday. We took a walk down W. Shore Road, but the wind was pretty cold and we wisely cut our walk short and got home just as it was spitting snow, around noon.  None of the white stuff stuck here, but it did on higher elevations according to the weather folks.

I'll have some photos of the Apple Pie Festival soon - right now I'm having difficulties with the slide show.  I received this photo from Michelle Parker this morning - sunrise over the middle pond this morning.  There was an eerie light for a while, but like always happens, it only lasts a few minutes and is then gone.   Michelle caught it at a beautiful moment. 

Peace Baxter sent this photo taken a while back when the weather was perfect for trying out the new rail/trail bike path.  That's Peace and Ted Chase.  You can see what a really nice surface there is on the trail now.  I've heard several people comment that it is wonderful for hiking or biking.  We're fortunate to have it, for sure.

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