Besides that, we went to Juniper's to meet Fred's cousin and her friend for breakfast, and that was a great way to start the day. They are good company and like we were saying as we drove away off Darling Hill, every time we meet them we learn something new about Fred's family - well, his mother's side of the family, that is. It's really proof that most people don't get much interested in family history until they are older and, sadly there are fewer people left to tell their stories. If we had only listened better when we were younger . . . However, Cousin Ora is the family historian and she is doing a remarkable job of preserving the family history with photos in nicely done booklets using
But back to breakfast and the rest of our day. It wasn't very busy a
After breakfast, we said our goodbys and wished them safe journey back to Rhode Island - we probably won't meet again until next spring. Fred and I headed back to St. Johnsbury to do our grocery shopping. It was raining off and on all morning, but never very hard. We thought perhaps construction had progressed on Main Street and Western Avenue to the point we could head home
Back home, the flickers were paying us a visit this afternoon. I
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