Friday, September 12, 2014

I went into my picture file today to organize some things and found some photos that I had neglected to post.  These are from a few days ago - the first is one of several sent to us by Bill and Diane Rossi.  They went with friends to the Mooselook Restaurant in Concord, Vermont about a week ago and while there saw this smart looking fellow in the parking lot.  Having had a black lab at one time, Fred and I really loved this picture.  These guys can be trained to do almost anything and still maintain their dignity!  What a sport!

Then, we have been taking pictures of the super moon at night, but how about this shot by Lawrence Hayes, taken from the West Danville beach one morning a week or so ago?  Great shot.  It was sent to us by Sharon Reihmer in St. Johnsbury.  It is beautiful.  Sharon said Lawrence works at the Fairbanks Museum and goes by the pond every day.  If you are visiting the museum, look him up and thank him for these beautiful photos.

We have some events taking place this weekend - Ride the Ridges biking event starts at 8 o'clock Sunday in Cabot, so if you are on some of Cabot's back roads, you may encounter the riders. Please drive carefully, and if you're riding with this group, have fun.

Also on Sunday there will be a memorial for Susan Fitts Martin at the Joe's Pond Association pavilion.  All are welcome, from 2-4 o'clock.  We hope the weather is warmer by then, but please have extra wraps with you as it is almost always cooler here than even a few miles away in any direction, and while there are side curtains at the pavilion, they are no match for 50 or 60 degree weather and the wind we are almost certain will be blowing.

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Ice Update - Sort Of!

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