Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I sat down at my computer tonight with no intention of writing on the blog, but when I checked my e-mail I found an interesting notice written by Aedan Scribner on Front Page Forum.  Aedan lives on Jug Brook Road which is on the western edge of town, bordering on the Woodbury town line.  It was a brief message:  "Catamount spotted twice in lower Cabot. First off jug brook road near the woodbury line, and again crossing West Hill pond road."

A catamount is a wildcat, lynx or cougar - any of those names is correct, according to Wikipedia.  There have been sightings reported from time to time in Vermont, and even in our immediate area, but according to the Vermont Historical Society, the last catamount in Vermont was shot in 1881 - or maybe it should read, "the last catamount shot in Vermont was in 1881." 
Here is a picture from another website  - handsome fella, right?  Check out those blue eyes!  This photo came from the Wildcat Haven website which tells a lot about these beautiful animals.  I don't know if we should be happy or a bit trepedatious that one has been sighted so close by; I guess it makes a difference whether one has farm animals that may be attacked - or pets that might become lunch.  I don't know if they will attack humans, but if they are hungry enough, I suppose like most cats, anything that moves is fair prey.  We always worry about Woody being out, especially at night, and this is a good reason to keep him inside, in spite of his protests.  I wish I could make him understand it's for his own safety.

Enjoy the nice fall weather.  Tomorrow we may get a little rain, but then the forecast is for a super nice weekend.  Fall Foliage Week begins on Monday and we hope the weather continues to be nice for that.  The foliage is surely cooperating nicely this year.

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