Sunday, August 10, 2014

Another phenomenal weekend, weather-wise.  It was crowded at the beach, even though there were lots of other things going on, including Danville Fair.  We didn't get to the fair this year - first time we've missed it in a long time, but we couldn't be everywhere.  We were at camp on Saturday with Bill and family and friends, and it was perfect as long as the sun was out, but as soon as the sun dipped behind the hills, it got chilly and we were all looking for sweatshirts and sweaters to cover up.   

Jo-Ann and her friend, Victoria, enjoyed just hanging out, swimming, listening to tunes and doing girly stuff.  At right, Tangeni joins them after they painted each others' nails.  Later Jo-Ann and Victoria went tubing.  I don't really like the idea of tubing - I think it must be really hard on young bodies, and getting flipped looks like it could really hurt.  Both girls seemed to love it and while they each got dumped a few times, but nobody was hurt.
After a day in the sun, everyone was hungry, and even Tangeni, who seems to have boundless energy, was hardly able to stay awake for cake and ice cream after having her supper.  

We had a quieter day today, but we were still both busy.  I worked on one of the chairs I'm re-webbing, but ran out of webbing.  I thought the package I got said there was enough for two regular chairs or one lounge; but what it actually said was that there was enough for one regular chair and two packages were needed for a lounge.  So I've ordered another package, plus enough for the other chairs I'll be doing.  I was disappointed - I was on a roll and could have finished the chaise if I'd had the right amount of material.  I was also exasperated with myself for not reading the directions carefully enough before ordering. 

Did anyone get pictures of the "super moon" tonight?  We didn't think of it as it was coming up and was low on the horizon, which would have been the best time, but Fred went out and got this one as soon as we remembered.  Actually, we didn't think it looked any different than any number of beautiful moons - they are all pretty spectacular, I think.  Click on the picture to see the details.  It is a pretty shot when enlarged.

Woody loves these warm nights and is still outside, presumably hunting.  I have an idea he does more crouching under a tree nearby the house than actual hunting these days, but I could be mistaken.  Even so, there are dangers lurking, and we always feel better when he's safely inside at night.  There's still time.  He may knock on the door any moment, wanting to come in for a snack.  He still hasn't seemed to learn that when he comes in this time of night he doesn't get back out . . . but at least he's become more accepting of that than he used to be when he first came to live with us, but he can still be an insistent pain. 

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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