Friday, February 14, 2014

In case you missed the comment posted to Tuesday's blog, here it is:

Temperatures in South Carolina at the coast are just at freezing with rain coming down. So far the damages are to trees with lots of limbs coming down. Lots of ice and power outages inland. We should have same weather until tomorrow and then the temperatures will go up and the sun will return.

Sam and Judy Lewis
Pawleys Island, SC

Thanks for that, Sam and Judy, I hope you are seeing sunshine by now.  

Here's a link to the Weather Channel about this storm, Quintus, as it moves up the east coast. I think they just started naming winter storms last year - see this link.  Several references on the weather reports have likened this storm to the Valentine's Day 2007 storm.  This storm has had serious consequences all along the eastern coast, and in Georgia yesterday, sheriff Scott Berry announced that Valentine's Day was going to be "cancelled."  Good luck with that, Sheriff.  When we were in St. Johnsbury yesterday, there were lots of gentlemen purchasing flowers in White Market, and at Price Chopper, there was a whole new section of flowers on display and lots going on in that department.

It's still snowing lightly here.  I measured just under 15 inches of new snow at 10 a.m. when we got back from Danville.  We've had another 3-4 inches this afternoon.  It is beginning to taper off, but there is still a brisk NW wind blowing and drifts are forming.  The wind has packed the snow at my back yard stake, but it's still showing 25 inches, which is 10 inches more than yesterday.  My weather gauge overflowed with snow before I got to it this morning, so it was difficult to measure the precipitation (I melt the snow for this figure), but I was able to get a good core measurement (1.66 in.) which is a lot of precipitation for one storm.  

The temperature is falling now, (19 degrees) so it will be another cold night.  Fred is out whisking the snow out of the driveways one more time so everyone can get home ok.  Then we'll all settle in for a nice Valentine's Day meal by the fire!

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