Sunday, January 26, 2014

Winter Reunion

This just came from Butch Bouchard - looks like the Bouchard/Dente annual winter reunion was a big success - no point in hibernating in the cold weather!  Here's what Butch wrote: 

Jane, just as we did last January, Susan and I met up with JPA president and first lady for a lunch at an inn in Sturbridge Massachusetts to swap stories about the Polar Vortex. All are doing well despite the cold and we are all looking forward to a warm and busy season back in Vermont. Butch

Everyone is looking fine.  For those of you who may not know these Joe's Pond folks, from left to right, Butch and Sue Bouchard (Sandy Beach Road) and JPA First Lady Camilla Dente, and our Association President, Tom Dente (Clubhouse Circle).

Thanks, Butch, for sharing the photo.  I now you are all enduring pretty much the same kind of weather we are back here at the Pond.  It does make one think about heading south - except I'm afraid the cold would just follow us, the way things are looking right now.  Best to stay at home and tend the fires, I guess.  We'll try to get things warmed up by the time you all get here this spring.

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Spring Weather/Good News

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