Sunday, July 07, 2013

Another rainy week ahead!

Not much rain at all today - just a few sprinkles this afternoon, but tomorrow and the rest of the week we're back in the same old pattern of rain and/or thunder showers every single day.  I think this will be known as The Year of Slugs and Mildew.  Oh yes, I forgot earwigs.  They should be mentioned, too.  I shake the shower curtain before getting into the shower, shake out the bath towels, and have released more earwigs outside than I ever remember.  The darned things are finding likely hiding places everywhere. 

We are seeing (and hearing) lots of young crows now.  The young are out of the nests and learning the ways of crows, being raucous and wary.  The adults keep a close eye on the youngsters, having lookouts posted in several trees as the young test their flying skills.  When Woody goes outside, they set up a huge din and dive at him.  Fortunately, he's savvy enough to steer clear of them most of the time.  Once in a while he will go out onto the deck at the back of the house which is apparently close to where their nests are, and then he just sits on the deck and watches their antics as they complain and congregate to protect their young.  Crows are smart, and very hard to shoot.  I've tried many times when they became too bothersome around the farm, especially after we'd planted corn in the spring.  I never killed one, but I surely scared a good many.  My father used to say they were mostly feathers, and since they were always a moving target, it took a really good marksman to hit them.   I'm really glad I didn't hit any.   Now I think they are interesting and clever to watch, and I even appreciate their shrieks and caws because they use such a variety of tones that I'm sure are clearly a language all their own. 

So we'll need to endure another week of rain and hope that the weather pattern changes soon.  In the meantime, if you are a member of JPA and haven't paid your dues yet, please do so.  It will save me from having to call or e-mail to remind you.  Summer is a busy time, I know, and it's easy to forget; however, there was a remittance envelope in your newsletter to make it easier for you to make payment, so find it if you can, but if not, just send the dues, $25, and however much you'd like to contribute to the fireworks fund, recreation fund or any other cause, to:  JPA, PO Box 111, West Danville VT 05873.  Thank you, and we thank everyone who has paid already.

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Spring Mix!

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