Saturday, June 22, 2013

I received a little more information on the moose that visited on Narrows Drive this week:

Hi Jane!
Yes, acc. to Eric Powers a male Yearling. He has a shot of him as well ,as Moses, our Moose, poked his snout into Eric's shed with Eric inside at the time! Eric estimated him at 600-700 lbs.

Found your link on Moose extremely informative and well worth reading!

Boy, since I have been here a lot has happened! Storm, murder, and Moose to name a few.
Still the best place to be!

Continue to be an avid blog reader!

Many thanks, 

That must have been a surprise for Eric to have a moose investigating him in the garage.  Chalk it up to being young, inexperienced, and probably never shot at like most adult moose.  

I agree with Karen - we've had a lot happening here in the north country recently.  It isn't the Vermont we knew even 20 years ago.  I also agree it's a great place to live, and most of the time we enjoy pretty decent weather, most people are law abiding, and as long as we don't interfere too much with the wild life, we, and the animals, have it pretty darned good.

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