Friday, May 17, 2013

We're getting some warmer weather and it seems the recent frosty nights may not have done much damage.  Everything has that soft green freshness we see only in spring, when the leaves are still small and there are a few trees with catkins.  The grass has an exceptional bright green, too, and then there are the dandelions . . . even though they are a pest on lawns and in gardens, they are a welcome sight as one of the early spring flowers.  I walked through a little bit of the woods between our house and our neighbor's the other day and found purple and yellow violets, trillium, and lots of cherry blossoms.  Now the apple blossoms are beginning to open and when the wind is just right, there's a lovely scent from them.

Last night at about eight o'clock, I happened to look out our bedroom window towards our woods and there was a big black bear nonchalantly picking his way over the debris left from the logging.  He was in no hurry, and didn't venture onto our lawn or to our garden (where I compost in one section).  It was too dark to get a picture, but Fred and I watched him until he disappeared in the dark distance.  He seemed to be headed for Don Encarnacion's.

Our first thought when we saw the bear was, "Where's Woody?"  We knew he was outside, but didn't find him in any of his usual "hunting" spots where he sometimes sits motionless for long periods, and he wasn't on either the back or front deck.  I opened the door into the garage and there he was, sitting on the roof of the car, peering out the garage window towards where the bear had been.  Leave it to a smart cat to find a safe place to observe an animal much bigger than he is.   

Isn't it nice to see the Route 2 Project progressing to a close?  Here's an update for work next week.

Work Update
Danville Route 2 Project
Project:  Danville FEGC 028-3(32)

WEEK OF 5/20/13
Crews will be installing curbing and lighting throughout the week. 
Two-way traffic will be maintained as much as possible.  However, Route 2 may be reduced to alternating one-way traffic in the center of Town at various times during the week.  Motorists should expect and plan for traffic delays when traveling in and around the project.
Contact Francine Perkins, Public Relations Officer, FRP Enterprises, LLC with any questions or concerns with regard to this project at 802-479-6994 or for a more up to date schedule visit

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Spring Weather/Good News

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