Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The weather has warmed a tad and now we're getting a little rain.  I think we still need the rain, but I do wish it was just a little warmer.  My thermometer is stalled at 50 degrees.  Of course, that's a whole lot better than the 27 it was last night.  There was some frost on the grass this morning - and I noticed some of the very small stalks of asparagus in the garden looked pretty limp as the sun began warming them up.  There was bright sunshine for a little while and it was fairly comfortable out of the wind.  The good thing about this cold snap is that you can work outside without getting over heated - and there are no black flies.  Those little critters don't like the cold, and the wind tends to blow them off their mark.

Everything is nice and green though - and if it hadn't been for a dead battery on the lawn mower and that it was raining by the time Fred got the new one in place, he would have mowed at least some of the lawn.  It needs it - we have a fair crop of dandelions I like to get clipped before they go to seed.  I should go dig some of the smaller ones to eat . . . hmmm.

I had a note from Andy Rudin this morning.  Last fall sometime a "sky blue" barrel washed up at one of his neighbor's and they never found the owner.  Andy said it's a really nice one and somebody probably wants it back, so he's asking again if someone is missing it - otherwise it's going to be a compost bin.  Andy will arrive at Joe's Pond late Monday, but you can call me (563-2381) or e-mail me and I'll pass on the information if the barrel is yours.  I'm not sure when Andy will have communications hooked up here at camp.

We're getting a fairly steady rain.  I'm wondering if it will turn to snow later . . . ?  I guess it will be a good night for popcorn and a movie.

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