Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Another beautiful day - very nice mostly sunny maple sugaring weather.  Our temperature is creeping up to about 40 degrees which, if it drops at night into the 20's again is perfect for sap to run.  I cannot say our roads are quite as nice, though.  I went out W. Shore Road to Route 2 this morning a little before 7:30 and they were rutted but firm; on the way back a couple hours later, the were already pretty soft and it looks like there will be the usual islands of firm ground between pools of sloppy, car-eating mud.  Makes us really, really glad we have those camera set up at Bill and Diane Rossi's so we won't have to go through the mud to check the clock twice a day.

Henretta and I did the radio thing in St. Johnsbury - you'll find links on home page to both the Kix 105.5 FM interview with Jess Huffman, and the longer WSTJ  session with Don Mullallay.  The FM reception was very good, but the AM reception here is always a bit spotty, so the recording is a bit rough, especially at the end.  We had fun doing it, though.

Every time I've gone towards Danville lately, I've wondered what what happening just beyond the turn that goes to Frye's quarry, about opposite the VTrans garages.  I finally remembered to ask Garey at Hastings this morning when Henretta and I came back, and he said it's a driveway to reach a piece of property owned by one of the Calkins family.  This morning it looked like a huge pile of stone fill had been dumped there, but Garey said it was where they'd broken up ledge to lower the grade.  So now I know - we'll be watching to see if there's going to be a building there or what.

Remember this is the final week that Ice-Out tickets will be available.  Next Monday will be the end of the contest, so be sure you get your tickets and either have them already turned in or  in the mail before then.  A few more days of weather like this will start the melting process for sure.  Spring is almost here, folks!

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