Saturday, September 29, 2012

 We have a really drippy day out there.  We aren't getting a real rain - just a persistent mist so the leaves and tree branches are covered with droplets and dripping.  It makes the colors stand out, though, and the foliage around the pond is getting very nice.  The top picture was taken yesterday afternoon, before we'd had much rain; the bottom picture was taken this morning, and you can see the tamaracks are looking fuzzy with water clinging to them.

I had a call from Homer Fitts yesterday.  He sounds really good and said he is progressing  well after his knee replacements.  He is in rehab for another three weeks or so.  He has two hours of physical therapy three times each day and yesterday they had him walking and even made him get his own lunch!  Obviously, these folks aren't running a luxury hotel there.  Homer said he has a great bunch of people working with him and even though they expect a lot from him, he knows it's for his good.  He said he's had a number of visitors - some Joe's Pond folks and other friends in the area, so if you're in the vicinity of the Berlin Health and Rehab, stop by.  It's at 98 Hospitality Drive, Barre, VT. 05641, if you want to send a card or visit, and Homer's phone number there is 802-229-2863.  He'll be glad to hear from you.

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Spring Weather/Good News

 Thank goodness we have a rainy day today! Yesterday was so nice I was outside probably more than my winter-weary body needed, so today I...