Friday, July 27, 2012

I haven't shared a picture of Woody lately, so I thought I'd show you this one.  This is how he spends most of his day, especially when the weather is either too hot or to rainy and wet for him to be outside comfortably.

Woody has trained us to his routine:  he goes out first thing in the morning, but comes back in 10 - 15 minutes.  He gets brushed, has a snack, and heads for his bed on this stool in front of the picture windows in the living room.  He usually doesn't stir until around 2 o'clock except to change position every hour or so.  Once he's had lunch, weather permitting, he begins a routine of being outside for fairly long periods, but comes in for snacks.  We laugh that we get lots of "breaks" answering his knocks when we're trying to work on our computers or do household chores.  As darkness falls, the periods between snacks lengthens, and if we're lucky (and he's unlucky), he comes in around 10:30 or 11 and he's in for the night, regardless of his protests.  At least he doesn't make such a big fuss about wanting to go out late at night as he used to.  He has better manners now he's older . . . or maybe after all these years he's finally figured out he has a curfew.   We never said he's a fast learner.

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