Sunday, June 10, 2012

We're headed into a beautiful day - there's already bright sunshine and it's 60 in the shade - much warmer in the sunshine.  I've been sitting out on the deck enjoying the warmth, the view and the humming birds.  In a little while it will be too hot for me out there, but by then I'll have the house closed up and it will stay cool until evening.

It was a disappointing day at the Cabot Historical Society building yesterday.  I had hoped there would be some interest in our being open on a Saturday afternoon, but the nearest we got to anyone stopping by was a young boy who rode his bike past the open door.  I'm sure he was curious, and if I'd had time, I would have invited him in.  I think kids often show more interest in things like we have on display than adults - at least until the adults get on the other side of 65, and then they are full of memories and information they like to share.  Kids ask questions; older adults have all the answers.

We got a lot of work done, but will need to do more before the Fourth of July.  That's when we get the most visitors.  We have coffee and doughnuts and a cool place to sit down, so we get lots of people in.  Besides that, the parade goes right by our door.  When I'm there, I usually watch the parade from an upstairs window.  Great view and I can get lots of pictures.

Fred went with me yesterday and helped move furniture.  On the way home, we had a near collision with a nice big black bear.  It was below the John Woods home, just past the big sugar woods on the right.  The bear came out of the woods on the run - I don't know if he'd already started to cross the road or if we startled him and he took off in the wrong direction across the road, but I was glad we weren't going faster or he might have gotten bumped.  As it was, he went down over the bank on the opposite side of the road and I caught a glimpse of him as he glanced back over his shoulder at us before he disappeared into the woods.  We were glad there weren't any cubs trailing along behind - we might not have been able to avoid them.

Now I'm going out to hike up Jamie and Marie's driveway - my idea of a workout - and then we'll have breakfast.


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