Friday, April 13, 2012

The weather today was very nice. There was still a brisk, kind of cold wind out of the north most of the day, but the sun was bright and warm if you could find a spot that was out of the wind.

In West Danville, we noticed there isn't anywhere near the usual amount of water going over the dam. Normally at this time of the year the water would be rushing over the dam, at a level much higher than it is this year. We didn't have as much snow as usual and haven't had a lot of rain, either, so there wasn't the runoff. That's a good thing in some ways, but things are very dry and we really could use a nice drenching warm rain for a few days to get things washed down and start the greening process. There are still spots on W. Shore Road where the frost hasn't come out - you can always tell because there's a slick, wet slimy surface. Much of the road is fine, but there are still those wet spots.

This morning Bill Jones came to fix the hole where the vent for our gas stove was on the front of the house. I always hated having it there, but it was the only place they could get through without drilling through cement. Turns out, drilling cement isn't that bad if you have the right equipment and people to do it. We did it for the new boiler, and it went very well. Things are falling into place. Bill Jones put everything right and we're ready for the next step - selling the gas stove and finding a suitable wood stove to install instead.

We went to Montpelier to look at some stoves, but we're still undecided about what we'll get. In the meantime, warmer weather is coming, so we have a while before we'll need to make that decision.

We took pictures on the way to Montpelier. The road project by Molly's Falls dam in Cabot will start up on Monday. It sure is an awful stretch as it is now. It's hard to figure out where the final road will be. The intent is to straighten out some of the curves and widen the road with passing lanes, as I understand it.
I believe the bridge near the Folsom farm in South Cabot will be replaced, too. That is a really bad spot, so I hope they straighten it.

They were boiling at Goodrich's Maple Farm as we went by. They have the capacity to store large quantities of sap, I believe. Also, Glen Goodrich is pretty savvy when it comes to sugaring, and may have left his taps in and was able to take advantage of the later runs. Some of his sugar woods probably is high enough so the buds are behind other places in the state. They make really good syrup and all kind of maple products. Besides that, Glen is something of a character. I enjoy taking tourists there.

We will be presenting a check to Judy Lavely this year's Ice-Out Contest winner, tomorrow, Saturday, at 10 a.m. at the State Fishing Access off of Route 2. We invite anyone who wishes to come and meet Judy. It looks as if it will be a nice morning and Diane and I are looking forward to giving her the check. Don and Audrey Walker will be there, but Homer and Margaret Fitts are in Salt Lake City visiting Homer's daughter, Sue, and our president, Tom Dente, who usually is on hand for the presentation, hasn't come north yet. We are just a little earlier than normal. Of course, this could be the new normal . . .

Anyway, I hope to see some of you there. Enjoy the sunshine, meet the winner and get a look at Joe's Pond without ice! We'll have pictures for you sometime tomorrow.

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Update & Request

 Marti Talbot, Carolyn Hamilton's sister-in-law, emailed me this morning to thank everyone who has reached out to Carolyn while she'...