Saturday, August 27, 2011

Here is an important announcement from Rev. Carol Borland: (West Danville Church)


It is noon and I have been following weather all morning on both WCAX (TV and on-line) and CBS, NBC and the Weather at

The forecast does not seem good for tomorrow morning. Here's a quote from WCAX. I posted their news video on my Face book page, and it is also on the Church Face book page as well, thanks to Curtis. Curtis is looking for folks to help him call the families of potential Sunday School children. I am asking each of you to call people you know and let them know about the church service being cancelled for tomorrow. While I really don't like cancelling the service, I think we cannot ask folks o take that kind of risk. If it turns out that it is a sunny water-skiing day - well, then - I'll see you at the lake (Crystal, that is!).

Stay safe. (Catch you next week?)

Here's the latest weather forecast:

"In our area, winds will increase to 35-45 mph with gusts to 50-60 mph which will likely cause trees to topple and power outages.

There is a Tropical Storm Watch in southern parts of Vermont. Tropical storm force winds of 40 mph or greater will reach southern Vermont during the morning hours Sunday.

There is a slight chance some rain will reach southernmost parts of Vermont late in the day, but most of the rain will overspread the area from south to north, Saturday night into Sunday morning.

Flash flooding is likely, as rainfall amounts are expected to range from 4-6 across much of northern New York and all of Vermont. Be prepared to head for higher ground if you live in a flood prone area, and never drive across a flooded road, it may be hiding a washout."

A message from Town of Cabot:


Sandbags prepared in June have deteriorated in the sunlight. New bags & sand are available at the Cabot Town Garage and your village businesses and residents may need them! Please bring a shovel and lend a hand! Contact Tara at 917-2992 if you have questions/concerns.

Right now the sun is shining, and while there is a bit of haze, it's a very nice day here at Joe's Pond. We are expecting the weather to deteriorate overnight, and by tomorrow (Sunday) there will no doubt be rain and gusting winds, so don't plan to travel unless it's absolutely necessary. We're hoping the heavy rain will not undo all the work that has been done here in the north country to repair the damage our towns suffered from the flash flooding in May - in many cases, repairs have just been completed, but in other cases, towns are still waiting for FEMA money, having no local resources left to deal with that May damage. I guess we're getting a one-two-three punch from Mother Nature this year. The first was the May 27-28th flood, the second was a week later in June when we had heavy rains again that took out any repairs that had been done to roads and other property, and now this storm. Perhaps Mother N will go easy on us this winter . . . ?

All of you take precautions to avoid unnecessary danger (or damage) over the next couple of days. We'll keep posting notices as long as we can, but we'll likely have some power outages along the way. Remember that the only reliable phone service is via land lines. We do have AT&T cell phone coverage, but in a storm, that may be sketchy. I expect it will be put to the test this weekend.

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