Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I've hit a bit of a bump in the road here this morning. In the process of sending the emails to remind everyone about the snow, I maxed out my limit for sending mail so haven't been able to use any of my Fairpoint emails today. I had no idea there was a maximum, but we're told it will be 24 hours before we can send emails again. I've received several responses today and will answer each one, but it will have to be tomorrow. We've opened a gmail account which I think will work better for the JPA mailings I occasionally do, like this morning, but need to get my address book transferred before trying that. I also apologize for not using the bcc, but nothing worked the way it was supposed to this morning so I sent the message in blocks and just let 'em go.

It's amazing how frustrating it is not to be able to respond to messages or send new ones. Fortunately, we had errands to do in Cabot Village, so we headed there this afternoon and enjoyed being out. We took lots of pictures there and when we got back decided to take a few on W. Shore Rd. and Sandy Beach Rd. so you can see the snow for yourselves. Some places are better than others, and some have already been shoveled off, as you can see. When we were in Cabot, Walt Ackermann said his two boys have been hard at work for days right there in the village, so I don't know if they will have the time or the energy to get out here if someone calls, but it won't do any harm to try.

I made a slide show and you will see there's lots of snow near the cemetery on the Plain - although we've seen the banks much higher than now, even with the wind break plowed up to catch blowing snow before it gets to the road. The wind was blowing up there, as usual, but in the village, the sun was melting the snow in spots.

We stopped at the library - always a pleasant stop, and popped in to check on Tara, our town clerk, who is expecting momentarily. Assistant clerk, Linda, said Tara had come in today but left as she was getting some indications her baby girl may be ready to make an appearance.

We had a nice chat with Mike Cookson at the garage. We had our car inspected while we visited Harry's Hardware to see Julie and Walt Ackermann and check on Ice Out tickets and to leave off a couple of the Cabot history books for them to have on hand, and then went to the library. We didn't stop at the general store because we didn't need anything today, but they are always very congenial, too. People are talking about town meeting, of course. I sounds as if it could be a good one this year - lots of big money items to decide.

Here's the slide show: Feb. 9, 2011 Slides

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A Reminder

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