Friday, May 14, 2010

Yesterday was a busy day, and we got a lot done. Fred is re-working the comments page on the web site. You'll notice a difference, I'm sure. If you have suggestions or if you have problems with the page (or any part of the web site) let us know. Send an e-mail directly to Fred at

I, on the other hand, had more "projects" than I knew what to do with. I'm getting ready for the opening meeting of the Cabot Historical Society on May 23rd, which means I need to collect and list everything I've accomplished over the winter so I can not only get things back there for visitors to use, and I need to make a report at the meeting, too. Of course, our JPA spring meeting is coming right up, so there are certain things I'll need for the board meeting a week from Saturday and then for the regular meeting on the 29th.

By the way, does anyone have information on what will happen to the young maple leaves that were hit hard by frost about a week ago? Many of our young trees look as if the leaves are just going to wither and die. I have never seen this happen to this extent, and we're wondering if new leaves will eventually come or are these trees going to be mostly bare all summer? The good news is that our apple trees, both the ornamentals, the regular crab and the old "regular" apple, which might be a Dutchess - I've never really tried to identify the variety - are budded and going to bloom beautifully. The "regular" apple was a favorite of my parents, along with their Transparent apple tree, which somehow survived over the years in a clump of bushes and we never noticed until last summer. Then the bear got the apples before we did, so we still haven't had any benefit from having found that tree.

We were in St. Johnsbury early yesterday a.m., and of course stopped a
t the post office in W. Danville to pick up mail. Alyssa was there with her mom and dad and Grandpa Garey. She's such a sweetheart. Morris Burrington came in while we were there and remarked how much she resembled the Hasting children when they were little. That's true, but we think she favors her daddy a lot, too! She's holding a snack pack of cheese her mom gave her for saying "cheese" for the camera.

Fred got this picture of the penstock and brook below the dam. There's still a lot of water coming out of the pond over the dam, and we think they are still working on the penstock were there was a mud slide earlier in t
he spring, so none of the water is being diverted into the power plant. That makes the brook run higher than it does when the power plant is operating, using water from the penstock.

We haven't had a lot of rain lately, and almost no snow for about a week. Most of the brooks coming off the hillsides seem to be running pretty steadily, though, so there's plenty of water in the ground.

We're going out to lunch in Littleton with Louise and Elizabeth today to celebrate Louise's 92nd birthday. We've been going out for birthdays for a while now. They are pretty well spaced, Fred's in January, Louise's in May,
Elizabeth's in July and mine is in October. We always make stops at other places such as Home Depot, Walmart or any other place along the way, so we pretty much make a day of it. I need to get going and make my CoCoRaHS report (.07 in. of precipitation in the past 24 hours) and do a few other things before we leave.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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