Thursday, April 29, 2010

We just got back from picking up Bill and Diane Rossi who are back from a trip to the Grand Canyon. We had appointments this morning in St. Johnsbury, so rolled out early. Again, we have a lot more snow than they do in St. Johnsbury - or almost any place other than Stowe and Jay Peak. We took pictures along the way as we went to St. Johnsbury, then home to grab a quick lunch before heading out again for the airport in Burlington. It was nice in Burlington today, but there was a stiff wind that made it kind of cold. Not much snow left at all, although they did get quite a bit Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the weather people on WCAX. Here is a short slide show that will let you see just what a difference a few miles make. After the Snow Storm

I measured a foot of snow on the ground this morning at around 7:45 when I made an early CoCoRaHS report. I'm hoping there will be way less when I measure tomorrow. The snow seems to be melting pretty fast, and the pond seems to be quite a bit higher than it was, but there's still quite a lot more left to melt. Right now the temperature is about 45 degrees where my thermometer is located out of the sun. The one that's in the sun is about 10 degrees higher and there'
s a lot of water running off the roof where the sun is hitting. None of my daffodils have shown up yet, though. I expect they are badly crushed by all that snow and the best I can do is pick them all and enjoy bouquets instead of the color in the garden. Some of the bushes in the yard are still bent under snow cover, but the ones I treasure Fred uncovered and they are not damaged.

Here's a familiar scene from our living room window, to show you how things look from here. Pretty blue water, and I love the faint green of the ne
w leaves. All during the snow storm yesterday, no plow showed up. Fred was out with his snow blower, but that didn't work very efficiently because the snow was so wet and heavy. He was able to keep the three driveways, ours and our two neighbors' passable, though. Traffic during the day along West Shore Road was infrequent and there was a lot of slush in the road making travel really difficult, especially if you met another car and had to move out of the wheel tracks. Last night everything froze solidly. This morning the Cabot plow came along and cleared the slush out of the road and we're almost back to normal. I guess they figured since school had closed there wasn't much point in wasting time and gas plowing when much of the snow was going to melt anyway.

We've seen some pretty confused robins the last couple of days, apparently wondering where all the bugs and worms went. If any of them have started building their nests, that would be darned inconvenient, too. Yesterday we saw a big rabbit sprinting across our back yard and into the woods towards Henretta's. He had already lost his white winter coat and stood out sharply against the snow. Easy prey except he was staying on top of the snow and could probably outrun most predators in those conditions. Lots of things are pretty topsy-turvey this spring, but
perhaps this storm will have cleared the way for more of that nice spring weather we enjoyed so much before this. I sure hope so.

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