Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Here's something you may find interesting:

The Cabot Connects Mentor Program is sponsoring a monthly Crochet Workgroup that will meet and build a Granny Square Afghan from donated scrap yarns. If you like to crochet or you’ve always wanted to learn, this is an opportunity to do so. Donations of scrap yarn or crochet hooks will be received at the Cabot Coalition office.

Granny squares from individuals will also be accepted – 4 ½ inch to 5 ½ inch squares.

The final afghan will be raffled off to benefit the Cabot Connects Mentor Program.

Next Crochet Work Group - January 12th - 7PM, Willey Building Meeting Room.


I had a pleasant surprise this afternoon when Don and Audrey Walker stopped by. Unfortunately, they couldn't stop for a visit - Don was dropping off a check for Ice-Out tickets from a friend of our contest, Bruce Molinaroli. Bruce sells lots of tickets for us each year in the NYC area. Don and Audrey both look well and Don said he is busy scoring basketball games again this year. I've forgotten how many years he's been doing that - someone wrote an article about that last year, I believe - anyway, he's been at it for a long time. Loves the game and has lots of energy.

The snow doesn't seem to have started yet, but it's pretty cold outside - 15 degrees or so. Mother Nature must be really cranky about something or other, sending us something different every day and making life generally difficult. Get over it, Ms. Nature! We could use some consistently decent winter weather for a change.

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Spring Weather/Good News

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