Sunday, May 04, 2008

From the Cool North Country -

And I do mean COOL. The thermometer hasn't moved out of the 40's here at Joe's Pond for a few days now, and when we see weather coming at us from up Walden way we don't know if it's going to be rain or - dare I say it? SNOW. I don't think there's much snow left in the mountains, but as you blog readers know, we've had a few flurries lately and quite a bit of rain that no doubt added to the high water levels in some places. It's typical spring weather, but feels too cold after the untypical warm weather of a couple weeks ago.

The only evidence of high water damage or problems I've heard about locally is that two different docks floated away. Perhaps there have been more items lost that are still floating around or are beached in the wrong place, but none reported. If you find anything or if something of yours is missing, let us know and we'll post it on our "Lost & Found".

Fred is in the process of updating our "Lost, Found, Free, Wanted, For Sale" listings. You'll find that page listed on the "Joe's Pond Association" drop-down menu. We have some new items posted and we're waiting to hear from a few people who may not have let us know their ad can come off. We're always happy when someone e-mails or calls to tell us whatever their listing was worked and we can remove it.

I'm not sure we helped on this success story, but we're happy for the McClures Some of you may know Rev. Joe McClure and his wife, Jean, who were looking for a place to rent for five months in the summer so they could come to Joe's Pond or nearby vicinity to be with their family. I just talked with Jean and they've only recently found a place on Oneida Rd. We're hoping they will join some of our Joe's Pond social events over the summer.

I'm wondering if anyone out there knows about the "ROMEO" club. It's a local thing, and maybe it's a "you had to be there" type question, but I think someone will know . . . I'll wait for an answer.

I had this come to my desk a few minutes ago:

Please note that the Reducing Your Fuel Costs workshop at the Danville Town Hall May 10th from 9-1 will operate in a fair-style one-on-one interaction between participants and presenters. This means that participants may come any time during the 9-1 window. The Danville High School Junior Class will be on hand with snacks, drinks, and lunch to raise funds for Danville ’s Junior Prom.

Information provided by Tom Ashley

Also, the Road Run/Walk is scheduled for May 17th in Cabot. For more information, contact the race directors, Sue and Rob at
or call them at 563-3155. This is for the benefit of Faith in Action. To register on-line, go to

Joe's Pond Association Members, please note: - Your spring newsletter is ready for distribution. It will be available Monday morning (not too early, but by 9 o'clock or so) at Hasting's Store for you to pick up if you go in for your mail; for those of you who have not yet arrived, or who don't pick your copy up within a day or so, I'll be putting yours in the mail. This is what this issue looks like, so be on the watch for it. It is smaller this time, 6 x 9, but you can't overlook the cover photo of the pond - it's a great shot by Ray Richer. There is an envelope inside the newsletter to make it easy for you to pay your dues - before July 1, please.

For those of you who aren't JPA members, the newsletter will be posted on the web site within a day or so. You'll find it on the Joe's Pond Association drop-down menu.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

 The change to Vermont's boating regulations regarding wake boats went into effect on April 15. One of the new regulations I wasn't...