Saturday, April 19, 2008


This may be a record - three posts to the blog in one day. I decided to add to the last one because I'm posting another update on the water level here at the pond. I had an e-mail from Tom Dente sent at around 7 p.m. - here it is:

Hi Jane,
Camilla and I came up Friday and opened camp. What beautiful weather... what a lot of snow and ice.
I checked on the water level and found that in the channel area the water is backing up because of the ice covering on the lake. This will cause some flooding in the immediate area. Where the ice has pulled away from the shore the level is about 3-5 inches above normal. The bladder at the dam is deflated letting out significant water and should keep level on the shore lines to less than 2-3 inches increase. That's the best estimate at this time. Joes Brook looks like it has calmed down a bit which should help the shoreline in the channel area.
Great to be here

WATER LEVEL UPDATE (Noon on Saturday)

Hi, again, Joe's Pond people. Evelyn Richer just sent me an update I thought you'd like to see.

The water is very high... it is overflowing our shoreline and that hasn't
happened since the dam was adjusted... and like you say ... there's still
lots of ice and melting going on upstream from us... We're fine being so far
back and high up... but the "Point" at the first narrows, may find
themselves in a puddle... it will be interesting... the flat lands on the
Conn River are in for a bit of water I'm afraid... I remember as a child
going down to the meadows (in Woodsville) to see the flooded out barns in
the spring... all along through Newbury and Bradford was almost always
underwater... this will be a year like those or worse I'm sure...

Gotta run again... Evelyn
We just had a short visit from Jackie LaGue. He'd been to his camp and to his mom's to see how everything is - all is fine, but the snow is still deep, especially where his camp is on Meadow Lane. Jackie had read the blog so he came in from Brickett's Crossing instead of the usual Rt. 2 and W. Shore Rd. route. That stretch to 215 is still good today, he said.

Just so you get an idea of today here - it's 72 degrees in the shade. Absolutely beautiful. I wish we had enough bare ground to get out and rake . . . it's that nice. Perhaps after lunch I'll go pick away at some of the snowbanks so they'll melt faster.

1 comment:

ROGER said...

Phone (802) 626-5617
Cell (802) 535-9456

May 9, 2008

Dear Joe’s Pond residents
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Roger Simard. I am a carpenter. I offer camp maintenance, repairs and I offer a camp winterization program. Camp winterization may include many different services including but not limited to readying camps for winter, (draining pipes etc) snow removal , supervision of camp during winter months. I offer packages and rates dependant on what services you may request.
I have been a carpenter for over 20 years. I have performed all aspects of carpentry and know plumbing and electrical. I have affordable rates, and I will provide references if needed.
I already care for a couple of camps on Joe’s pond, and am expanding my coverage to this area. I try to schedule early in the spring. This allows me to know how many camps I can service per season. This also allows camp owners time to schedule any repairs they might want done during busy summer months. As we all know this was a tough winter season having record snow falls. Many structures have sustained structural and cosmetic damage. In two of the camps I service, I was able to notice and prevent structural damage before it happened.
I am extending my services to any Joe’s pond camp owners who my be interested. If interested or just want to hear more, please feel free to call. My cell is the best way to reach me. I hope to hear from you, and would like to thank you for your time.

Roger Simard

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