Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spring is still here!

We enjoyed another very nice day today although it wasn't quite as warm as it has been the last couple of days. This may have slowed down the melting process a bit, which is a good thing. However, the snow around our house disappeared at a very rapid rate, even today.

Water is high in the pond. Here's what Tom Dente wrote at about 4:45 p.m. today:
The water level has decreased by 1/2 inch in the past 2 hours. Perhaps we have reached a crest, if so I'll confirm in the morning.  Tom

Our family gathered at our house today for brunch - a send-off for our friend, Monica, who is leaving to visit her family in Namibia during a break from her studies here. She has not seen her family for about two years, so she is extremely excited about her trip. At the table, left to right are Theresa, Bob, Marie, Jamie, Bill and Monika.

While we wait for the ice to go out of the pond, Evelyn Richer and I are hard at work on the Joe's Pond Association newsletter. E-mails are flying back and forth between us, and things are shaping up so we'll be ready as soon as we have an Ice-Out Contest winner.

I wish I could report the road is better, but I doubt the mud hole in front of Ken and Nancy Mason's has improved much at all. On Saturday, Fred caught this biker (looks like Jay Chatot to me!) going by on his mountain bike - a good choice for traveling the roads here this time of year.

With more good weather forecast for this week, the roads should begin to get better and the ice and remaining snow will be finally gone. We'll have sparkling blue water again and folks will begin to gravitate back to the pond. Evelyn said they are watching for the loon to come back, too, now there's open water at Loon Cove.

I picked my first daffodils on Saturday, but it was a bit too soon and they didn't open in time for the brunch today as I'd hoped. I had cut some pussywillows from the tree out in back of our house and the daffodil buds were a promise that there's more to come once the snow is off the flower beds.

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News & Chatter

I was saddened this morning when I read in the Caledonian Record that Archie Prevost passed away. Archie was well known around Joe's P...