Saturday, April 19, 2008

Another Happy Spring Morning at Joe's Pond!

Beautiful outside, even early this morning. I took a picture of the channel as we see it from our deck to show you that it's well over the banks up there, and the sun was sooooo warm - some summer days don't start off this warm, believe me! I could hear the ducks and geese in the channel area. Here's what Evelyn wrote this morning . . .
We are nearly clear here in the cove... just a long strip of ice near our
shoreline and several large areas in the marsh... but the rest is clear and
looking like 'duck soup'... no signs of the loon yet... but any day... by
Monday we should be open enough to get the canoe in... !! YEAH!!!!!

Well, gotta have my coffee... Happy Mornin' to ya!! Evelyn
Kevin Johnson sent me this link a few days ago. It will explain more about the pike so if you catch one you will know what it is and report it to Len Gerardi or Kevin.


Fred and I walked yesterday morning, but I was so busy yesterday I never got a chance to put the pictures we took together for the blog. I've done that this morning and here they are, with a few we took this morning. Not much has changed - the pond shows few signs of the ice melting, but I suspect it will go very quickly, and all at once. Even though the usual pulling away from the shore hasn't really happened overall, as you'll see in the pictures, this string of unusually warm days and nights that are barely freezing or above, will take a toll. There is still a lot of snow on some of the hills, and as that melts more water will pour into the pond, helping to rot the ice. On Mt. Mansfield, there was a trace of snow reported yesterday; the depth at the stake is 89" inches. It looked as if "Woody" was going to come with us, but I guess he had more important things to attend to in the woods by our house. This slide show is a combination of yesterday and today - we thought you'd like to see our back yard visitors this morning.
April 18,19 Joe's Pond

I had a message from Diane & Bill Rossi in New Zealand -
We are having a wonderful time. All our hosts are great. We have ended their drought.....lots of rain!

We're glad they are having a great time, even in the rain. I checked the temperatures/weather where they are and it seems they are having temps in the range of 60-70 degrees during the daytime, and sure enough- more rain in the forecast.

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News & Chatter

I was saddened this morning when I read in the Caledonian Record that Archie Prevost passed away. Archie was well known around Joe's P...