Sunday, March 09, 2008

Ok, so guess who forgot to change the clocks last night . . . ? Yep, both Fred and I completely forgot about it. Thus, we went to bed way late, got up as usual, so the day was well established by the time we realized what we hadn't done. That leaves us operating a little out of whack - lunch was later than usual, but I think by tomorrow we should be re-adjusted somewhat and caught up with things. I can attest it's because we're both retired and really don't give a darn about what time it is most days.

We bumped into Don and Diane Sherwood at the Creamery in Danville last night. They are here to ski - and you know what generally happens when they arrive - the skiing goes south. They had a couple days when they first got here that they could ski, but then the rains came and it was over. But right now we're getting another snowstor
m so I think if they can hang on a day or so, the skiing will be great again.

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm pretty tired of all the political stuff, especially on television. It seems to me we've had election stuff going on forever. Liz Randall sent this photo to me a couple days ago. It made me smile - looks like something a Vermonter would come up with . . . Liz said John is thinking of building one like it to put up where they live on Long Island . . .

Those of you who check the local papers know that we've had recent flood watches here in Vermont and New Hampshire. There have been various trouble spots and the lower Connecticut River Valley area has had some very high water. The cold temperatures we had last night would slow it down, but now we're getting more snow to add to the already record depths, and it has set us to wondering what we'll be facing down the road. I can tell you that our Joe's Pond Association president, Tom Dente, has been monitoring things even from Florida, and has contacted Jon Soter at Green Mountain Power to be sure they are also thinking about Joe's Pond's water level. The re-designed dam in West Danville has worked well until now, but I don't think we've had this much snow since the work on the dam was done, and this year's huge runoff from surrounding hills may provide a reality test for the dam's performance.

Only time will tell. Right now my thermometer is reading 12 degrees so we're sure there isn't any melting going on now, and we're actually getting a few more inches of snow added to what we already have. So I can truthfully end with - no news here!

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

 The change to Vermont's boating regulations regarding wake boats went into effect on April 15. One of the new regulations I wasn't...