Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ok - who did it??

Who left the home-made cinnamon buns on the Rossi's doorstep on Sunday????

That was a totally nice thing to do, but Diane hasn't been able to find out who it was, so she can't thank them. This is driving her a little crazy - and making those of us who DIDN'T do it realize we should do nice things like that more often. If you don't want to 'fess up, this will have to be your "thank you"! So please, get on the phone and call Diane.
Here's something you might like to attend . . .
This weekend, several Cabot residents will be performing in the Moving
Light Dance Company's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. If you
haven't seen this group's performances, they are full-fledged ballets
(like a play, telling a story through dance), choreographed by
Christine Harris (the group's director)
to suit the capabilities of the kids
involved, so they are very enjoyable to watch.

Performances are:
Saturday, June 9, 1:00 pm at the Barre Opera House
Sunday, June 10, 2:00 pm at Twinfield Union School

Admission will be $8 adults/$5 children, general admittance. The box
office will open an hour before the show.
(NB: Barre Opera house has air conditioning and plentiful,
comfortable seats, so if you can go to
Saturday's performance, I would recommend that one.)

Cabot dancers are:
Tatiana Kaptan starring as Theseus, the Duke of Athens
Mazie O'Connor as the Queen of the Bugs, attendant on Oberon
Clementine O'Connor as a butterfly
Clara Mueller-Harder, Billie O'Connor, and Grace Moriath as bugs
Karen Mueller-Harder as a courtier,
and numerous kids you know from Marshfield, Plainfield, Calais, etc.
(and the beautiful posters for the show were painted by Julia Kaptan)

Hope you can come!

Karen (token adult in the dance school)

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

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