Monday, July 03, 2006


We hope you will go to Cabot tomorrow for the parade at 11 a.m. featuring Children and Grand Parades, Bread and Puppet, floats, race cars, fire trucks, etc., a Chicken BBQ at noon, an Auction at 1 p.m., afternoon entertainment by "Kitchen Sync Cloggers," featuring Appalachian clogging and live string band music; "SugarBlue", accoustic folk and bluegrass; Bill and Libby Hicks Band, guitar and fiddle; and "The Limes" playing their soulful blend of rock and funk.

There will ba a rummage sale at the Masonic Lodge from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and the Cabot Historical Society will be open all day. You're invited to come in and see the "new" old exhibits such as a maple exhibit, old farm tools, doctors' kits from the early years, fruniture and clothing from the 1800's, photographs, paintings and our new research area. Our new president of the historical society, Bonnie Dannenberg, has cleaned and scrubbed, and V.P. Martha Foster has rearranged, painted, and organized, and numerous others have made a huge difference in the old building we call home for the Cabot Historical Society. There will be someone available all day to show you around and answer questions. I'll be there - I hope your'll stop by. (Photos by Bill Walters.)

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