Saturday, March 01, 2025

Important Messages

 From Dorothea Penar:

 Thank you to all of you at Joe’s Pond for your kind expressions of sympathy, and loving messages about our son Geoffrey, who recently passed away.  What a wonderful community we have at the Pond!  Geoffrey will be missed, but our sadness will be more bearable because of the kindness and love we feel at Joe’s Pond.


From Barry Cahoon:

The Joes Pond Association (JPA) Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) Management Committee has developed a map of the Joes Pond lakeshore and littoral zone (shallow water portion of the lake) that has been divided into sections.

The purpose of sectioning is to facilitate surveying, monitoring and patrolling activities to discover anywhere that invasive milfoil has spread from the current known area of infestation along the Sandy Beach Road shoreline.  Identifying and locating EWM propagation will enable a rapid response by the JPA dive team to hand harvest the plants found and in some cases follow harvesting with placement of benthic barriers on the lake bed.

This is an absolutely vital component to the JPA response to EWM establishment to achieve containment and potentially, eradication of this insidious and highly undesirable aquatic invasive plant.

The JPA is recruiting Lakeshore Section Coordinators for each of the 10 sections depicted on the map.

The Lakeshore Section Map can be viewed at:

Included on this web page is a text description of the lakeshore section boundaries and the responsibilities of the Section Coordinators.

If you would like to volunteer as a Joes Pond Section Coordinator and to make a critical contribution to the JPA battle against Eurasian Watermilfoil, please contact Jim Bernotas at

Let Jim know what lakeshore section for which you are interested in taking responsibility.

A training session for all interested JPA members including but not limited to the Section Coordinators, survey and monitoring volunteers, and the dive team will be held on Saturday, May 24th at 2:00 PM at the JPA pavilion following a lunch break after the JPA annual spring meeting.

This training session will include:

  1. EWM and native milfoils identification
  2. Responsibilities of the Lakeshore Section Coordinators including recruitment of volunteer surveyors/patrollers
  3. Protocols for confirmation of new infestations
  4. Geolocation of EWM found
  5. Placement of marker buoys
  6. Coordination and tracking of survey and monitoring activities
  7. Data transfer to the JPA EWM Management Map through the Mapping Specialist
  8. Hand harvesting techniques

Please consider volunteering as a Lakeshore Section Coordinator and please be sure to attend the training on May 24th.

A Eurasian Watermilfoil-free lake is possible only through your engagement, contribution, and participation in this effort.


For Joes Pond,

Barry Cahoon, EWM Response Coordinator

Joes Pond Association


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Important Messages

 From Dorothea Penar:  Thank you to all of you at Joe’s Pond for your kind expressions of sympathy, and loving messages about our son Geoffr...