Monday, December 09, 2024

More Snow and Things to Do!

 We received another six inches of fluffy new snow this weekend - the good news is that the temperature has moderated and there is almost no wind. There was even a little sunshine to brighten our landscape yesterday, but today we are back to gloomy and expecting some fairly foul weather with snow and freezing rain mix later this week. This could present some danger of flooding.

I checked my snow-measuring post on the back lawn this morning. The snow has slid, melted, or been blown off the thing and I could easily read the numbers showing 12 inches of snow on the ground out there. I've recorded about 18 inches of new snow over the past week, including Sunday, for a total of 18 inches. Factor into that the wind and normal settling of what was mostly very fluffy, dry snow, and 12 inches seems about right. It isn't the kind of snow for making snowmen or having snowball fights, but I bet it is a delight on top of the man-made stuff at ski resorts! The ski and boarding season is getting off to a good start and hopefully the mountains will be getting snow, not rain later this week.

Christmas is almost here and communities are showing decorations and lights. 'Tis the season for concerts and Christmas sales and bazaars at churches and other organizations. Danville citizens are decorating the common, and on Thursday there will be the annual "Stroll-Around" in the village where various shops and organizations will be open to the public or showing their best Christmas decorations.

Patty Conly, director at the Danville Historical Society, invites everyone to visit this Thursday (December 12th) during the Stroll Around when they will have an Open House beginning at 5 p.m. with special exhibits, live music, and light refreshments to celebrate the season. I know from experience - Patty and the historical society team always do a great job and the house is warm and inviting. You will find vintage decorations, special exhibits, and great food - plus a very cheerful team of elves ready to show you around.

Speaking of historical societies - Cabot Historical Society is having an important meeting this afternoon, Monday December 9, at 2 p.m., Willey Memorial Hall. There are important decisions needed regarding repairs to the historic old building (about 180 years old). Anyone who is interested is  welcome to attend. 

The public library and town offices are also located at Willey Hall (see photo, right). The library will be open from noon to 6 p.m. and the town offices are open 9-5 if you have business with either of them, and stop by the Historical Society meeting. If you cannot join us in person, Seth has set us up so you can participate in the meeting from home on your computer. You will find information on the above link.


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