Thursday, May 09, 2024

Good News!

 I just heard from Marti Talbot that Carolyn Hamilton is moving to rehab. I will have more information later with an address where friends can reach her - but for now, just know she is improving steadily. 

In spite of the damp, chilly weather yesterday and today (I just recorded a temperature of 39 degrees) spring is moving along more or less on schedule. I haven't seen any hummingbirds here yet, but Mary Whitcomb has her feeder out and has seen early arrivals at her house, so I will be getting my feeder out later today, if all goes as planned. 

Yesterday was a bit hectic - I got bogged down working on another project and spent most of my day on my computer. Today I hope to get a few things done around the house, including getting my hummingbird feeder out. Then, Jeannie Johnson texted me late in the afternoon saying the pop-up pizza folks had just set up between the hardware store and the grocery store, and suggested "pizza and a beer at the Den." I was happy to drop what I was doing and head into Cabot Village. 

There was a steady crowd getting pizza - many were getting take-out and a few, like us, grabbed a drink and a table in the Den to wait while our pizzas cooked. Good for both businesses - our pizza was brought to us, steaming hot, and it was really good. It was really fun - not fancy, by any means, but we got to chat with lots of people, and perfect for a rainy night and I met new people. There is a whole new (young) generation in town that I don't know - but when I find out who they are, I can often connect them with someone in my generation - their parents or grandparents! And of course there are the newcomers in town who are homesteading on some of the farm land that used to be owned by folks I knew. And yes, that makes me feel older than dirt, but it's still interesting, and especially fun because Jeannie knows just about everyone, thanks to her work as a town lister and also the editor of the Cabot Chronicle, so there was no shortage of animated conversation with other customers.

Word in the village is that the popular Headwaters Restaurant & Pub next to the hardware store in Cabot, will officially re-open on Memorial Day weekend. After their abrupt closing last fall, they have regrouped and restaffed, including a new chef. It will be interesting to see what the new menu will be like. Jeannie and I plan to "test the waters" some nice afternoon on their spacious deck. There was an interesting article about Headwaters in the Hardwick Gazette recently.

That's it for today - enjoy your day, wherever you are.

P.S. - I realized this morning that there were about six fewer names on my blog subscriber list. I went through quickly and have picked up at least some that were missing - and that I believe still want to be on the list. There isn't an "unsubscribe" feature, as far as I know, so if you do not want to receive these postings, please contact me:

Conversely, if you do not presently get notice when I post and would like to subscribe to my blog, let me know that, as well, and I will add your email to my list. As we all know, computers seem to do strange things all on their own sometimes, and this may be what happened. I'm also aware that it might have been something stupid that I did that caused those subscribers to drop off the mailing list.

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Time for Change

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