Monday, March 25, 2024

Snow & Ice Report

 We're through another March snowstorm, and as far as I can tell, we aren't expecting more snow this month. We'll probably have some rain, and that will wash most of this last snowstorm away. We didn't get as much snow as predicted - I measured about 5 inches on Saturday morning and another 8 inches yesterday. There was a strong wind, typical of March, and some drifting, making measurements imprecise at best. What we got was well packed but not as heavy and wet as some of our previous storms. Still, after clearing my 12 x 8 ft. deck yesterday morning, I was content to let Jamie do the walkway and steps when he came to plow. We now have snowbanks again (see photos), but during the day yesterday, the snow on my paved driveway melted nicely after he plowed. With cold nights (about 9 above last night) and warm days (now 36 degrees in the shade), melting is slow but steady, and with the sun getting higher, the earth is warming - regardless of the storms and havoc we experience on it's surface. 

I'm sure people are wondering what this means for the Joe's Pond Ice-Out Contest. That, as I've said many times before, is entirely up to Mother Nature. A couple weeks ago it looked like we might have an early finish, before the April 1st. official closing; but now it seems fairly certain we will get to the April 1st date and beyond before the flag goes down. This picture was taken yesterday by Diane Rossi. Even though we got a lot of snow, the wind swept the surface of the pond so the stakes supporting the line to the pallet and flag are still visible, as is the pallet. The clock has never stopped in March, but as our winters continue to warm, there is a fair probability that will happen; just not this year. Still, get your tickets in soon - with warm weather ahead, it won't take much to melt the "soft" ice that is out there.

And here is a picture of my lovely Christmas cactus happily blooming, one blossom at a time, by my kitchen sink. It is in a corner with two windows with north and west exposure, and has never bloomed before. Why it began to flower now is a mystery, but I have a theory: these plants like cool temperatures and at least eight hours of complete darkness each day. Although it lives in a cool spot, until recently, there were two small night lights in the kitchen. I recently discarded those, and suddenly the cactus is blooming. It could be coincidence, or it could be that the glow from those small lights kept it from producing flowers. It is overflowing the container and needs to be re-potted, which I will do after it finishes blooming and the weather is warm enough to work outside or in the garage. Re-potting is messy. In the meantime, I'm enjoying my "Easter" cactus, one blossom at a time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome and we are so glad to have you do this every winter!!! Hugs. Sally Stewart Hynes❤️❤️❤️

Ice Update - Sort Of!

A reader asked about the condition of the ice on Joe's Pond. I do not have a first-hand report. My fisherman friend told me he hasn'...