Monday, November 27, 2023

Instant Winter Wonderland!

Well! I didn't expect this much snow! I really wasn't paying attention to the weather this weekend, and I have been avoiding newscasts because of the regularity of reports of shootings or horrible accidents. My first indication that something was amiss was early this morning when I became aware of my clock blinking. I knew the power had gone off and the generator was probably running. Then I noticed my phone was also blinking red - no phone service. A quick check out the window told the whole story. So I got up early and got out my snow shovel. About the same time I hit the button to open my overhead door in the garage, Jamie showed up to plow. Together, we had my driveway, walkway and deck cleared in about 20 minutes. Jamie used my snow blower for a good portion of the driveway - that transfers the snow far away so the snowbanks won't build up too quickly leaving no place to put snow later in the winter.

I was more than happy to have his help cleaning off 10 inches of heavy, wet snow from the deck. My rain/snow measuring tube had a tall mound of snow hanging precariously off to one side, (see photo below) and before I could get there to get a measurement, it fell off, but I was able to get a core sample of the snow on the deck and that melted down to 1.38" in. of precipitation. 

The temperature has risen steadily and is now at 37 degrees, so the snow is quickly coming off the trees and there are bare spots on my driveway already. However, for a few hours we were without phone, TV, or computer service, and that is not a good feeling. I'm amazed the power came back so quickly and Spectrum got everything working again in record time. I'm noticing the lights blinking every now and then, but that's usually not an issue - probably just snow loads coming off branches that were resting on power lines someplace. 

As usual, the first real snow is always exciting. West Shore Road was plowed early, but Diane had to go out for an early appointment and said the Danville end had not been plowed and there was a big berm of snow getting onto Route 2. A lot of people were undoubtedly late to work today, or may not be able to leave their homes at all because roads haven't been plowed. I don't think anyone anticipated such a heavy snowfall - I vaguely recall hearing something like "two or three inches of wet, heavy snow." I haven't checked in on the weather this morning since the TV came back - I already know what today is going to be like, and I've already managed the surprise factor. I don't need to know if there's more coming at us or if this is all going to be gone as quickly as it came. I do know that for the short time when I had no phone, internet or television, I felt a little lost. My routine was interrupted and I was considering what reading material, sewing projects, or other non-electronic tasks I might dig into today. But then everything was back to normal and I'm a happy camper. 

My appreciation is heightened from this, though, and I'm thankful for Jamie who is always at the "ready" with his snowplow and shovel, to Cabot's road crew for keeping the roads in town open and safe, and to Washington Electric and Spectrum workers for quickly getting all my electronic toys and gadgets operating again. Winter is here, we'll deal with it!

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