Monday, October 30, 2023

Oops! Correction!! And Happy Halloween!

 I mislead you in my last post. It is not the Bona property on Channel Drive that is for sale, it is the Walker-Hernandez property. Sorry about that - I hope I didn't cause a hubbub of some sort. Jamie and Joanne Stewart visited yesterday afternoon and I realized I had made a mistake. No excuse - I should have checked more carefully.

One thing I am positive about is that yesterday we had snow squalls here. It wasn't sticking, fortunately, and today was rainy, but not as cold. Seeing the snow prompted me to shut off the water to the outdoor faucets, and I actually was doing that while it was snowing. It didn't seem awfully cold, and it was actually kind of fun being out in a little snow storm.

I was thinking today about Halloween. When my boys were little, they liked to visit their grandparents who lived here in Cabot. We lived in St. Johnsbury at the time and it would be quite nice there when we headed for Joe's Pond, but by the time we got to West Danville we were in an entirely different world - often of snow and wind. The boys still had a great time - and my parents always had something special for them, like homemade cookies  and always lots of hugs. I'm not sure how we ended up with two Supermen this particular Halloween, and really serious ones at that; and it looks like Peter Rabbit (Jamie) had to be restrained by brothers Bob on the left and Bill on the right. It's not fun to have to pose for a picture when there's candy waiting, I guess. This was taken in about 1964 or 65.

Halloween was never a big deal when I was growing up. All the neighborhood kids lived on farms and had to be up early in the morning for chores, so most folks were in bed shortly after dark. Besides, it was usually cold and windy on Cabot Plain - and some distance between houses, so it could be mighty uncomfortable prowling around in the dark. Even if our neighbors were still up, I'm sure there would have been no candy to give out, and if we'd tried to play tricks, we would likely have been told in no uncertain terms to go home and behave ourselves. I don't remember doing much for Halloween at school, either, although we may have drawn pictures of pumpkins and witches and pinned them on the walls or windows. I just don't remember doing any of that.

In Cabot Village it was a different story. There were usually antics of some sort carried out during Halloween night - things that were able to be moved got shifted from one house to another and once or twice rolls of toilet tissue were unfurled on lawns and bushes. I also remember hearing that one year some Goddard College students put a Volkswagon belonging to maybe the president or a professor on the roof of one of the low buildings on campus. I'm not sure how that was accomplished, but it must have taken a lot of teamwork. That would have been in the 1940s.

If you have to be out tomorrow night, do be extra careful as there may be youngsters out and about on foot. I think most schools have organized parties for kids, so the kids may be well entertained and supervised, for the most part. However it works out, enjoy. 

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