Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Trouble in Blogger City

 If you haven't received emails lately indicating I've posted to the blog, there's an explanation, (and thanks to Joanne Stewart for alerting me yesterday!) Back in 2021, I received notice from blogger.com that subscribers would no longer be able to get automatic notification when a post was made, supposedly effective as of that July something-or-other. There was a brief lapse and then people seemed to be getting emails as usual. I never knew why or what happened. Now, the service if finally gone, and try as I have, there's no "fix" to it this time, apparently. I'm probably going to have to find a new host. I've been away most of today, but tomorrow I'll investigate.

I had appointments in St. Johnsbury this morning and arrived just as the power went out, knocking out lights at intersections. Imagine my surprise when the light went out instead of turning green! No damage was done, and motorists took it all in stride - after all, this isn't NYC or Boston. Anyway, the power was back on in a short time and life went back to normal. It was not a good morning to be without air conditioning or computers, though. 

After my appointment I met my friend for lunch and then we took a ride on some back roads we used to explore on our lunch breaks when we worked at Lesnick's in the 1950s. She no longer drives and normally doesn't go anywhere the RCT bus doesn't run, so it was a treat for both of us. Neither of us had been on those roads for years, and it was great fun to remember how they used to be and see all the mostly beautiful new homes there are along many of them now. 

We were particularly surprised that there is a lovely home on the top of a hill where there once was an observatory, but neither of us could remember what that hill was called. Somewhere I have the history of that site - there was a marker there inscribed with a Latin phrase, and of course, a story of how that came to be there. Perhaps someone knows and will let me know. I researched a little when I got home, but haven't found anything yet. It has a spectacular view looking west towards Danville, with the Goss Hollow area in the valley below. We used to go there often. It was an easy drive from where we worked, and we loved the view and solitude. We were surprised to find a house there, but what a view they have - and I'm sure they know they are living on an historic landmark site!

Back to the blog changes. I will keep you informed. I'm hoping I can import the blog to a new site without serious changes, and that will include all my subscribers so you will automatically begin to receive email notices again when I publish a post. But if that's too much to expect from whatever host I find, I'll try to figure something else out. I certainly don't want to lose all the past posts, either - I refer to them fairly often when I'm trying to recall something that happened here at Joe's Pond (or in my life) that I wrote about. I check Ice-Out stats and past weather fairly often, and it's interesting to see what it was going on in whatever year. So, for now - stay tuned. I'll try to post as usual, just about every day, and will get the changeover made a.s.a.p.

Enjoy the brief break in the heat wave - I think tomorrow is going to be quite a bit cooler, but then some heat again, but not like it's been this past week until tonight! Be safe.

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Spring Mix!

I started this a couple days ago but got kind of busy and never got back to it. I had posted about the Route 2 construction, but that notice...