Thursday, August 05, 2021

Jerry Prevost

 Once again we report the death of someone close to Joe's Pond. Jerry Prevost,  died last week at age 62. He brought smiles to dozens of Joe's Ponders a few years ago when he and his dad, Archie, had a bakery goods delivery service every weekend, selling doughnuts, cinnamon buns, and other tasty treats from their pontoon boat. Jerry and Archie did the baking (Archie had owned and operated a bakery/restaurant in St. Johnsbury for many years and Archie taught culinary arts at St. Johnsbury Academy). They were a great team. Jerry had many friends. He and his wife Crystal (Chandler), lived on Davidson Drive, overlooking Joe's Pond, and were an important part of our community. Our sincere sympathy is with his family.

I was at the Danville Historical Society this afternoon and Directory Patty Conly is busy planning a celebration of Archie Prevost's long history with the railroad. The Danville railroad station will be open for visitors on Saturday during Danville Fair day. This is the 150 year celebration of the St. J. and L. C. Railroad coming through Danville. Be sure to visit the old station - next to Danville Health Center and across from the Danville Fire Station.

My screened porch is coming along very well. Randy and Curt have been meticulous in working out the final details matching siding and cedar, and the result is beautiful. I'm very happy with the way things are coming together. The slider door is in on schedule and we'll have it tomorrow (it will replace the window in the photo on the right); Granite State Glass in St. Johnsbury were coming to measure for the screens today, but they are short of help and had to cancel. The plumber, Lloyd Rowell, is coming tomorrow to move the heating element so they can cut out the wall for the door. Then, even without the screens, I will be able to at least get out on the porch and enjoy it! I picked up hardware for the screen door at Larrabee's today - I hope I got the right stuff, but there's plenty of time as that had to be stained and finish put on, so the screen had to be removed and they will replace it for me. I'll have to have Lyle Gadapee back for a little bit of wiring, and then, some steps at the outside entrance and it will be done. The furniture is waiting - at least some, and I can't wait to get my plants outside. I know - I'll be taking them all in within a very few weeks, but I want to get them out there for as long as possible. I'll be taking more pictures then, of course - hopefully with family and friends helping me to enjoy it!

The staging was removed today and Randy has his trailer backed in ready to load up the trash that has accumulated. The lawn has taken a beating, but it will recover. I'll need to do some landscaping, and I'm hoping my neighbor, Anita, will be available to help with that. I need to get in touch with her so she can set aside some time in another week or so.

With the new surge of Covid infections, it looks like we could be in for another several months of severe restrictions. It's very unfortunate that there are still so many people who don't trust the vaccines. I dread going back to wearing a mask all the time and staying distanced and going back to being isolated, but unless people submit to getting vaccinated, that's where we're headed, for certain. It makes me very sad.

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Regulations and Seasonal Changes

 The change to Vermont's boating regulations regarding wake boats went into effect on April 15. One of the new regulations I wasn't...