Friday, April 03, 2020

I want to pass on to you the obituary for Jane Hastings Larrabee who passed away this past week. We are thankful for Jane's family that they were able to have her come home before strict restrictions would have prevented them from being with her during those final days. This is a devastating time for things like this to happen, especially when families cannot be together with their loved ones. Garey, Jenny and Curtis did the right thing and got her home. Many people are thinking of the family and the whole community is going to miss Jane terribly. She was a very important part of West Danville.

I just want to let you know that you should call your favorite stores to find out about curbside service so you can protect yourself and others better by not having to go inside. Marty's has curbside and many others do as well. The new instructions are that staying six feet away may not be adequate as this virus has microscopic droplets small enough to float in the air. Face masks may help, especially to help prevent spreading the disease if you are already sick, but they will probably not prevent those tiny particles from getting to you if you are near someone who has COVID-19. Best to stay home if you possible can and disinfect everything before it comes into your house. Stay safe, this is not something to be casual about.

To that end, we have adjusted our routine of going to recycling every-other week or so and instead will be using Kelly Gamble's pickup service. His rates are reasonable and we can just leave the bags of recycling and garbage at the end of our driveway for him each Saturday. If you aren't already using a garbage/recycling pickup, you may want to give Kelly a call: 802-563-3159.

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Spring Mix!

I started this a couple days ago but got kind of busy and never got back to it. I had posted about the Route 2 construction, but that notice...