Wednesday, November 06, 2019

David Talbot's obituary is in yesterday's paper, for those of you who wish to read it. David had an interesting and varied history. He and Marti took some wonderful trips with the Plymouth students over the years, and Marti kept a journal about those. Wonderful memories for Marti and those students, I'm sure.

We went to Burlington Monday, and what a nice surprise that Route 2 between here and Plainfield is so much improved! There has been new pavement in some of those really terrible spots, especially between Marshfield and Plainfield, and really it's a pretty decent road again. For the last couple of years it's been a nightmare trying to dodge potholes on that stretch.

We had lunch at Spare Time - at the bowling alleys across from Costco in Colchester. We hadn't been there before, and were pleasantly surprised. I'm sure lots of you know that the bowling alley is owned by Dick Corley, who built the log cabin at 885 Channel Drive that now belongs to Lori Tilgner. The restaurant wasn't busy when we were there around 2 o'clock, but several lanes in the bowling alley were in use. I expect the place begins to hum in the evenings. The Bowling Industry Service Award went to Corley in 2017. Quite an achievement, and 50 years in the business. Well done, Dick Corley!

We are all expecting measurable snow tomorrow. In the meantime, when I walked earlier this morning, there were snowflakes in the air and the wind was a mean one our of the NNE. The sun is finally out - but the temperature remains in the 30s. Granted, it's the high 30s (37.9F), but with the wind, it's a bit cooler! I may bundle up a couple of shrubs against the winter winds this afternoon. It might be the last decently warm day we get until spring! I'm pretty sure that won't be the case, but stranger things have happened, and I'd rather have them done a little too soon than not get any protection at all.

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Spring Mix!

I started this a couple days ago but got kind of busy and never got back to it. I had posted about the Route 2 construction, but that notice...