Thursday, October 10, 2019

Another gorgeous day! We had a slow start, but now the sun is stronger and it looks like it's going to be beautiful. I hope to get outside to finish cutting back flowers and putting everything away for winter. I probably won't tie up the shrubs yet - I like to wait until the last minute - usually when it's cold and snowing! - to do that. But I've found it's important to protect some things against the cold and wind. I've tried about everything from old blankets to plastic garbage bags, but what works best is burlap. Mine has lasted through at least three winters, but it's getting a little limp and frayed now. There are a few holes, but it's easy to work around them.

I expect some of you are aware that St. Johnsbury Academy just hired their first woman headmaster, Dr. Sharon Howell. This will be an interesting era for the Academy.  The Academy was founded in 1842 by Erastus, Thaddeous and Joseph Fairbanks, primarily so their own children and those in the community would get an education. Education here in the north country was a hit-or-miss proposition, and towns generally did not provide schools for children on a regular basis as they do today. School was held when and if there was a teacher available, and usually only the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic were taught. Higher education was rare, although there was the school founded in 1769 by Eleazar Wheelock primarily to educate American Indians and train Congregationalist ministers.  That school evolved to become Dartmoth College.

We will be watching with interest this new era for St. Johnsbury Academy.

In the meantime, this is a really good year for apples, we've been told, and Burtt's Farm in Cabot has plenty of apples, cider, pumpkins, maple products and more. Other farm stands and businesses are busy with tourist trade and locals taking advantage of the nice weather to get outside and explore what's available.

Don't forget to mark your calendar so you won't miss the Apple Pie Festival on Saturday, October 19th at the Cabot Gym. Enter the contest, or just go to find some of the best apple pies you've ever tasted, enjoy the crafts and crafters. Plan to have lunch there - it's always a treat.

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