Thursday, August 01, 2019

The LVRT - A Response from Kitty Toll

A few days ago, I posted a letter that Andy Rudin sent to Representation Kitty Toll. She responded promptly with this very informative message:

Subject: Re: The LVRT

Hello Andy,

Some of the delay, about ten years, was due to the ACT 250 appeals at a cost of nearly $1 million. This has been resolved and currently the basic issue is limited funds. The federal earmark was $5.2 million. Obviously during the ten years delay the cost of trail repair increased significantly. 
Est. total cost to complete is $14M. There are limited federal dollars that need a 20% match. Because the ACT 250 requirements in the end were determined not to apply, any segment can be done if the local match can be found. The Town of Hardwick is in this process now. 

Much of the costs are related to bridges on the trail. Under the current agreement, responsibility for raising the match has been with VAST. Attempts to raise funds through private contributions has been largely unsuccessful. There is an effort underway to relook at whether the Friends of LVRT could perhaps be the face of the trail for fundraising. It has proven unrealistic to think that VAST has the capacity to totally fund and administer this project. Work is currently underway on some of the Western sections of the trail. The Transportation plan sets aside $1 million each year for this trail.
Since funding for bike and pedestrian projects, which generally goes to town projects on a competitive basis is limited, there has to be regional equity as to what projects get funded. Therefore, to allocate all these funds to the LVRT project even if the match is available would probably not be supported as it would come at the expense of the rest of the state.
Regarding Efficiency Vermont, as a regulated utility, the use of these funds which come from ratepayers is very limited. The Legislature is looking at the option of using these funds for thermal efficiency as well in an effort to reduce carbon emissions from the heating of homes and businesses. This is under evaluation by the Public Utility Commission.

Thank you for reaching out. I too am anxious to get this projected completed. Kitty

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