Saturday, July 20, 2019

It's Hot! My outdoor thermometer is reading 84.6 at the moment - it is out of the sun but near the driveway, so there may be a little residual/reflected heat from that. But still, it's a very warm start to the day.
     We had some excitement at our house last night. We were watching TV, I think the national news had just finished when something moving down on the road caught my eye. I called out to Fred, "Bear!" and he dashed for the camera.
     There was a very large bear trucking up the road - he
stayed near the edge of the road and had apparently come from much further down West Shore Road. Fred got a quick shot of him from the kitchen window (through the screen and without being able to take time to focus) before he went out of sight. Fred went down the driveway to see if he could get a better shot, but by the time he got down there, the bear was gone.  I know this isn't a good picture, but click on it and it will give you an idea of how large this guy was. It looked like a fully grown adult, and it was in no rush, but seemed to have a destination in mind. I'm wondering if he smelled some discarded garbage along the road and, like the crows, was scavenging the roadsides. People throw out all sorts of unfinished food and other garbage, unfortunately, and the crows love it. Anyway, it was fun to see this big fellow. 
     Today is one of those days it's too hot to do much of anything except stay inside and try to keep cool. We have closed up the house, but it wasn't as cool in here this morning as it usually is. I guess the temperature didn't drop as much as usual last night. With our overhead fans and the shades down, we stay pretty comfortable, even without air conditioning. I don't plan to do much except work on my computer. We'll open the house back up after the sun goes down.
     I hope everyone stays cool and comfortable today. Drink plenty of water or other beverages (preferably without alcohol!) and go for a swim, if possible. Stay safe.

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